Virus y viroides pdf merge

Drummond 2007 and ess scores following merging of samples. Surveys were carried out in four seed potato areas. Potato virus y pvy is one of the most damaging viruses on tobacco crops. The mildest of these symptoms is production loss, but the most detrimental is potato tuber necrotic.

Sep 14, 2009 viroids share structural and functional similarities with the socalled viroidlike satellite rnas small, circular, nonproteincoding genomes that replicate through a rollingcircle mechanism involving ribozymes but, in contrast to viroids, viroidlike satellite rnas depend for their replication on a helper virus. Diener showed that the agent was not a virus, but a totally unexpected novel type of pathogen, 180th the size of typical viruses, for which he proposed the term viroid. In the context of an epidemiological study on potato virus y pvy in potato crops, solanum elaeagnifolium cav. Pvy infection of potato plants results in a variety of symptoms depending on the viral strain. Nous y reviendrons dans les cours consacres a ces differents virus. Priones proteinas infecciosas heredados y transmisibles por ingestion, trasplante. Kiara gonzales anel vela valeri caceres lourdes torres jazmin liza forman agregados supramoleculares y son patogenas con. Comparacion virus viroides y priones viroides tomado. Enfermedades causadas por viroides y priones by yanick. Download as ppt, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Virus, viroides y priones by kiara carrillo on prezi. Kiara gonzales anel vela valeri caceres lourdes torres jazmin liza forman agregados supramoleculares y son. Dec 17, 2016 virus, viroides, bacterias y hongos slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

Pdf solanum elaeagnifolium, a potential source of potato. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Priones son unas particula infecciosa formada por una proteina denominada prionica. Enfermedades causadas por viroides y priones by yanick suarez. Semejanzas y diferencias entres virus, viriones y priones. Tema 19 virus vegetales y viroides microbiologia ucm. Patogenos subcelulares virus, viroides y priones integrantes. Parallel to agriculturedirected studies, more basic scientific research elucidated many of viroids physical, chemical, and macromolecular properties. Cuadros comparativos entre bacterias y virus diferencias y. Capsomero acido membrana protuberancias nucleico glicoproteinas capside acido nucleico nucleocapside a icosaedro sin cubierta b icosaedro envuelto c helicoidal sin cubierta d helicoidal envuelto 3. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report. Potato virus y pvy is a plant pathogenic virus of the family potyviridae, and one of the most important plant viruses affecting potato production. Diversite et ecologie des virus associes aux arthropodes.