Pinus patula caracteristicas pdf

E ect of di erent mycorrhizae and ordinary soil ratios to seedlings survival of pinus seedlings are presented in table 5. Pinus patula, commonly known as patula pine, spreadingleaved pine, or mexican weeping pine, and in spanish as pino patula or pino lloron, patula latin spreading is a tree native to the highlands of mexico. The application of numerical techniques to some problems of its taxonomy by p. Pino triste sad pine due to its weeping foliage farjon and styles 1997. Reproductive characteristics variation in pinus patula. The effect of abandoned plantations of pinus patula and. Little has been reported about the mechanical properties of the wood. Pinus patula, huerto semillero, caracteristicas re productivas, semillas, conos. In a stand with andisoles planted with pinus patula. Pdf growth and survival of pinus seedlings as influenced. This is another of the 23 species in the large and largely undifferentiated subsection australes. Mechanical properties of small clear wood specimens of. Pinus patula es una especie arborea mejor conocida como pino lloron, pino mexicano, pino colorado, pino candelabro o en puerto rico como pino gelecate.